The new pure vancomycin hydrochloride substantially free of impurities known in commercially available products is described. The term “substantially free of impurities” designates a purity of vancomycin hydrochloride between about 97% and about 99%, particularly between about 98% and about 99%, preferably about 99%, as determined by HPLC analytical method as directed in U.S.P., NF 27th revision, 22 (2004). The new pure vancomycin hydrochloride (vancomycin B hydrochloride) contains less than 0.7% of total impurities, namely, only one impurity exceeds 0.3%. The new process for the purification of crude vancomycin by displacement chromatography is described by which the desired pure antibiotic according to the present invention is produced, based on the finding that high purity of the vancomycin hydrochloride is obtained using low selected pH values of the mobile phase between 3.9 and 4.2. Vancomycin hydrochloride is the known antibiotic which is used for the treatment of severe staphylococcal infections, especially those caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococcal strains.