1. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent for use in the treatment of cancer, the chemotherapeutic agent being preferably gemcitabine, mitoxantrone, cisplatin and / or doxorubicin. The anti-MIF antibody in combination with the chemotherapeutic agent of claim 1 for use in treating cancer, the cancer being selected from the following group: pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer, more preferably cancer pancreas, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. 3. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to claim 1, wherein the anti-MIF antibody is selected from the following group: anti-MIF antibody RAM9, RAM0 and / or RAM4.4. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to any one of claims. 1-3, wherein the chemotherapeutic agent is gemcitabine. 5. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to any one of claims. 1-3, wherein the anti-MIF antibody is RAM9, the chemotherapeutic agent is doxorubicin, optionally in combination with cisplatin, and the cancer is ovarian cancer. 6. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to any one of claims. 1-3, wherein the anti-MIF antibody is RAM9, the chemotherapeutic agent is gemcitabine, and the cancer is pancreatic cancer. 7. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to any one of claims. 1-3, wherein the anti-MIF antibody is RAM0, the chemotherapeutic agent is doxorubicin, optionally in combination with cisplatin, and the cancer is ovarian cancer. 8. An anti-MIF antibody in combination with a chemotherapeutic agent according to any one of1. Антитело против MIF в комбинации с химиотерапевтическим средством для применения при лечении рака, причем химиотерапевтическим средством предпочтительно является гемцитабин, митоксантрон, цисплатин и/или доксорубицин.2. Антитело против MIF в комбинации с хим