The invention relates to a planter intended for manual planting of seedlings at various depths and predetermined distances between pockets in the rows. According to the invention, the planter consists of a body (1) on which there are mounted two rings (16 and 19), a movable and fixed one, two fixed levers (6 and 7) which support a pair of frustoconical jaws (2 and 3) which are opened by means of some actuating levers (10 and 11), of some joints (14 and 15) and of a handle (26) with which the frustoconical jaws (2 and 3) are manually opened, where for tensioning the frustoconical jaws (2 and 3) in the closed position there are mounted two helical springs (22 and 23) between some welded and rigid bushes (17,18 and 20, 21), respectively, on the body (1) there being mounted a charging hole (24) and two supporting and transporting arms (25 and 26) for supporting and transporting, for opening the frustoconical jaws (2 and 3), there is provided an actuating rod (27) which the user raises with his hand upwards using also the handle (26), the rod (27) has at the bottom two arms (28 and 29) whose bent ends enter inside the bushes (17 and 18), the rod (27) is guided by means of a plate (30) rigidly mounted on the body (1) and is tensioned with a compression spring (31), a washer (32) and two nuts (33).Invenţia se referă la un plantator destinat plantării manuale a răsadurilor, la diferite adâncimi şi distanţe prestabilite între cuiburi, pe rânduri. Plantatorul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un corp (1) pe care sunt montate două inele (16 şi 19), mobil şi fix, două pârghii (6 şi 7) fixe care susţin o pereche de fălci (2 şi 3) tronconice care sunt desfăcute cu ajutorul unor pârghii (10 şi 11) de acţionare, a unor articulaţii (14 şi 15) şi a unui mâner (26) cu care se realizează manual desfacerea fălcilor (2 şi 3) tronconice, pentru tensionarea în poziţia închis a fălcilor (2 şi 3) tronconice sunt montate două arcuri (22 şi 23) elicoidale între nişte buşce (17,18 şi 20, 21