1. A porous structure containing a number of branches, and one branch or a number of branches have: a first end, a second end and a continuous elongated body between said first and second ends, said body having a thickness, length and curved part, also containing a number of joints, at least one compound comprises a tangent intersection of two of said curved parts, comprising a number of modified nodes, wherein at least one modified node has three or more of said compounds. The porous structure according to claim 1, in which at least one modified node has an opening between the three compounds or a large number of compounds. The porous structure according to claim 1, additionally containing one branch or a series of branches containing a straight part having a length and thickness, and at least one occluded modified node, wherein said at least one occluded modified node contains an intersection between one branch or a row of branches with a straight part and at least one branch with a curved part. 4. The porous structure according to claim 1, in which a number of curved branches form one cell or a series of cells having a number of sides, the number of sides being in the range from about 4 to about 24.5. The porous structure according to claim 4, in which the number of sides of one cell or a series of cells is in the range from about 4 to about 16.6. The porous structure according to claim 3, in which a number of curved branches and a number of straight branches form one cell or a series of cells having a number of sides, the number of sides being within1. Пористая структура, содержащая ряд ветвей, причем одна ветвь или ряд ветвей имеют: первый конец, второй конец и непрерывное удлиненное тело между указанными первым и вторым концами, причем указанное тело имеет толщину, длину и изогнутую часть,также содержащая ряд соединений, причем по меньшей мере одно соединение содержит пересечение по касательной двух из указанных изогнутых частей, исодержащая ряд модифицированн