The purpose of the present invention is to resolve problems with a method for isolating nucleated cells from a cell-containing solution using a filter for isolating cells. Specifically, provided are a filter for isolating cells that allows the contamination ratio of unneeded cells in a nucleated cell fraction to be reduced without designing a nonwoven suitable for the cell species targeted for recovery, and a cell preparation method using this filter for isolating cells. Furthermore, the present invention provides a filter for isolating cells that improves the recovery rate of nucleated cells, and a cell preparation method that uses this filter. The present invention provides a filter for isolating cells including a container with an inflow port and an outflow port, a laminated nonwoven material in the container, and a partition wall that has a partition wall inflow port and that partitions the nonwoven material. Furthermore, provided is a nucleated-cell preparation method including: a step for introducing a cell-containing solution from an inflow port of the filter for isolating cells, and bringing the solution into contact with the nonwoven material and a step for recovering the nucleated cell fraction from the filter.La présente invention concerne un procédé permettant disoler des cellules nucléées dune solution contenant des cellules à laide dun filtre permettant disoler des cellules. Linvention concerne spécifiquement un filtre pour isoler des cellules qui permet de réduire de taux de cellules indésirables dans une fraction de cellules nucléées sans avoir besoin dun non-tissé adapté à lespèce de cellules cibles à récupérer, et un procédé de préparation de cellules à laide de ce filtre pour isoler les cellules. En outre, la présente invention concerne un filtre pour isoler des cellules qui améliore le taux de récupération de cellules nucléées, et un procédé de préparation de cellules qui utilise ce filtre. La présente invention concerne un filtre permettant diso