The present invention refers to semiautomatic equipment for installing stakes, which is considered ancillary equipment for enclosing the stakes that are the main pillars in a macro tunnel of those used for the intensive production of fruits and vegetables under plastic agricultural covers, which uses the motive force of the main agricultural equipment, such as a tractor, for reducing the physical effort of 14 people currently required for this task, which consists in the excavation of the stakes with spikes and the extraction of the earth by shovels, with an efficiency of 250 stakes per day, i.e.: 0.5 hectare per day. The equipment for installing stakes comprises a structure of tubular steel, in a truncated pyramid shape as a main base, also including a hydraulic pump located at the upper portion thereof, where the output axle in the power input has a Y-inverted fitting, which main function is to fasten the crossarms located at the upper end portions of the stakes so as to be inserted in an assembly, once the engine of the tractor is actuated the stake are rotated by the power of the hydraulic pump and pushed to the desired installation position over the ground. This equipment is guided by two operators to the site previously marked on the property where a raw of stakes is to be installed, once the equipment is centered this will enable the stakes to be buried and unburied. The equipment is operated only by 4 people without applying manual force. The use of this equipment allows 1000 stakes to be installed, i.e., 2 hectares per day.La presente invención se refiere a un equipo instalador de estacas semiautomático considerado un equipo complementario para poder encerrar las estacas que son los pilares principales de un macrotúnel de los empleados para la producción intensiva de frutas y hortalizas bajo cubiertas plásticas agrícolas, al aprovechar la fuerza motriz del principal equipo agrícola tal como un tractor con lo cual se logra reducir esfuerzo físico de 14 perso