FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely traumatology and orthopaedics, and can find application in treating finger extensor injures. Substance of the method consists in splinting, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. It involves recovering a middle portion of the extensor and fixing a proximal finger bundle with a maximally extended finger with a pin. It is followed by short plaster splinting of the finger and hand to a level of distal finger bundle. Physiotherapy is prescribed starting from the 2nd postoperative day. Therapeutic exercises are made once the oedema and pains are relieved. From the 4th day to the moment of skin suture release, the patient makes self-supporting active-passive movements of the nail phalanx placed in the short splint. On the 14th day, the plaster cast is discarded, and the skin sutures are released. The patient carries out the self-supporting work out of either the distal finger bundle, or the metacarpophalangeal joint. When working out the distal finger bundle, the patients moves the nail phalanx to bend and extend it with using the healthy fingers to hold the surgically operated proximal finger bungle. The metacarpophalangeal joint is worked out with the finger unsupported. The pin-fixed proximal finger stands still. The work-out exercises are continued until the pin is removed from the proximal finger bundle.EFFECT: use of the given invention enables early work out of the joint, prevention of cicatrical adhesions, promotes avoiding joint contractures.Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, и может найти применение при лечении повреждений разгибательного аппарата пальца кисти. Сущность способа состоит в том, что накладывают лонгету, проводят физиотерапию и лечебную гимнастику. При этом восстанавливают среднюю порцию разгибателя - фиксируют спицей проксимальный межфаланговый сустав в положении максимального разгибания пальца. Затем на этот палец, с ладонной стороны, с з