The present invention relates to a dynamic implant between spinous process, the top plate in close contact with the upper spinous process Sub-plate to be in close contact with the lower spinous process So that the moving is coupled between a front portion of the front part and the lower plate of the top plate can be the upper plate and the lower plate moves up and down, left and right within a certain range according to the movement of the spinous process Coupling means for coupling the upper spinous process to the top plate in close contact on the upper spinous process And it provides a dynamic implant between spinous process comprising the coupling means for coupling the lower spinous process to spinous process close to the lower sub-plate. According to the invention, by providing an elastic force to the upper spinous process and a lower spinous process not only to maintain the space between the upper and lower spinous process are fused with the upper and lower spinous process prevented from leaving between the spinous process without damaging the spinous process by moving the effect can be. Moreover, it can therefore move along the vertical and horizontal movement of the adjacent spinous process is the movement of the upper and lower spinous process spinous process, as well as seureoul more natural than conventional implants because of this there is an effect that injuries to the spine. In addition, by rotating the wing and the tightening mechanism using the Insert at the side of the spinous process it has the effect of minimally invasive surgery possible. In addition, by then inserted between the adjacent spinous process fasten the wings on either side of the spinous process, a plurality of spikes provided on the wing impaction in close contact with the opposite side surfaces of the spinous process has the effect that the upper wing and the lower wing stably coupled to the upper and lower spinous process . In addition, an upper wing and a lower spinous process a