Государственное научное учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский и технологический институт биологической промышленности РАСХН (RU)
Самуйленко Анатолий Яковлевич (RU),Эрнст Лев Константинович (RU),Школьников Ефим Эмануилович (RU),Павленко Игорь Викторович (RU),Скичко Николай Данилович (RU),Чеботарев Иван Изотович (RU),Гринь Светла
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to biotechnology, agriculture and zootechnics and may be used for industrial-scale breeding of broiler chickens of highly productive crosses. Prolyser symbiotic preparation based on Escherichia coli VL-613 is activated by way of resuspension with cooled boiled water or sterile physical solution at a temperature of 25°C - 37°C. The preparation in a dissolved form is given to drink to broiler chicken during 1 hour after the preparation activation in accordance with the following scheme. From the 8day since the chicken birth and to the 22day the preparation is given in an amount of 100 mln microbial cells per day (per 1 chicken of "????-500" and "?????-48" crosses) or 50 mln microbial cells per day (per 1 chicken of "?????-7" cross). From the 22day and up to broiler chickens growing completion the preparation is given in an amount of 75 mln microbial cells per day (per 1 chicken of "????-500" and "?????-48" crosses) or 50 mln microbial cells per day (per 1 chicken of "?????-7" cross). The preparation is administered orally, preferably - during the morning feeding. The concentration of Escherichia coli VL-613 is equal to 1.75-3.05 billion microbial cells of the preparation per 1 broiler chicken throughout the whole growing cycle.EFFECT: invention allows to fully replace synthetic lisyn in liquid given to drink to broilers, to increase poultry average daily weight gain, to increase the yield of Category 1 meat and to reduce the concentration of Escherichia coli VL-613 cells.4 tblИзобретение относится к биотехнологии, сельскому хозяйству и зоотехнии и может быть использовано для промышленного выращивания бройлеров высокопродуктивных кроссов. Симбиотический препарат Пролизэр на основе штамма Escherichia coli VL-613 активируют ресуспендированием охлажденной кипяченой водой или стерильным физическим раствором при температуре от 25°C до 37°C. В растворенном виде препарат впаивают цыплятам - бройлерам в течение 1 часа после акт