Мухаметшин Ильшат Сулейманович (RU),Валиев Айрат Расимович (RU),Булгариев Гумар Галиаскарович (RU),Пикмуллин Геннадий Васильевич (RU)
The invention relates to agricultural engineering. The purpose of the utility model is to improve the quality of soil treatment and reducing energy costs. The objective of the proposed utility model is to reduce energy intensity and improve the quality of crumbling under the subsoil loosening. The technical result is achieved in that the device for subsurface soil treatment includes rack drenerom, tapered rotary cultivator with a pointed toe conical shape mounted on situated in drenere axis on which is mounted obrushivatel arch with ripping elements made of a conical logarithmic spiral and fixed front end to pointed toe, arch provided obrushivatel frame serving as a support for ripper elements and consisting of rods located ravnome but circumferentially conical rotary cultivator, and the rods are rigidly secured at one end to the pointed toe and the other end to supports set at an angle in the sliding base area of the conical rotary cultivator. The angle at the apex of the cone pointed toe greater than the angle at the apex of the conical rotary cultivator. Obrushivatelya loosening elements have a cross shape in cross section, the sectional dimensions increasing from the pointed performed sock to the rack. Such design will improve the quality of subsurface soil treatment, reduce the energy consumption of the process, and also reduce clogging of the soil working member and the plant remains due to the free spiral arrangement ripper elements contributing to oscillatory process.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Целью полезной модели является повышение качества обработки почвы и снижение энергозатрат. Задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является снижение энергоемкости и повышение качества крошения при подпахотном рыхлении. Технический результат достигается тем, что устройство для безотвальной обработки почвы включающее стойку с дренером, конусный ротационный рыхлитель с заостренным носком конической формы, установленный на расположенно