The invention relates to a bio-energizing crown having a relaxing effect on the brain by stimulating the cerebral bio-currents. According to the invention, the crown comprises an electronic device (A) consisting of two generators (1 and 2) of electric impulses, carried out with transistors or integrated circuit, wherein the first generator (1) is adjusted to Schumann resonance frequency of 7...8 Hz and the second generator (2) is adjusted to a frequency within the cellular bio-resonance range of 870...1011 Hz, the two generators (1 and 2) being supplied by means of a switch (k) from a direct current battery (3) of 3...12 V and a peripheral device (B) in the shape of a crown whereto there is connected the device (A) through an insulating support plate (4), the crown (B) comprising a steel wire (5) with a diameter of 2...5 mm and circumference of 12...15 cm, forming a circular antenna for emitting the waves produced by the first generator (1) and having the ends fixed on the support plate (4) and connected by some connectors ( a and b) to the first generator (1), on the steel wire (5) there being wound a coil (6) having 300...5000 turns, manufactured of enameled copper wire with a diameter of 0.1...0.5 mm, having the ends connected by means of some connectors (b and c) at the output of the second generator (2).Invenţia se referă la o coroniţă de bioenergizare cu efect de relaxare a creierului, prin stimularea biocurenţilor cerebrali. Coroniţa conform invenţiei este alcătuită dintr-un dispozitiv (A) electronic, compus din două generatoare (1 şi 2) de impulsuri electrice, realizate cu tranzistori sau circuit integrat, în care primul generator (1) este acordat pe frecvenţa de rezonanţă Schumann, de 7...8 Hz, iar al doilea generator (2) - pe o frecvenţă din banda de biorezonanţă celulară de 870...1011 Hz, cele două generatoare (1 şi 2) fiind alimentate printr-un întrerupător (k), de la o baterie (3) de curent continuu de 3...12 V, şi dintr-un dispozitiv (B) periferic î