In one way, by concentrating a juice, including fruit, vegetable or caramel residue as a raw material, to recover drinking water, the resulting juice is transferred directly to a concentrator, where the waste stream of the concentrator purifies me. A reverse osmosis stage followed by activated carbon.
Method for recovering storable palatable drinking water from an extracted Juice Concentrate which comprises providing a waste stream from a Concentrator to concentrateExtracted juice and purify this current including the step of Passing the current through activated carbon; and bottled water.<;p>;Mé;todo para recuperar agua almacenable potable agradable al paladar a partir de un jugo extraí;do concentrado que comprende proporcionar una corriente de residuos desde un concentrador para concentrar jugo extraí;do y purificar dicha corriente incluyendo el paso de pasar dicha corriente por carbó;n activado; y agua embotellada.<;/p>;