This multipurpose, modular system provides diagnostic-quality, wireless, multichannel monitoring in diverse settings, including interventional procedures guided by X-ray and MRI, with variable electromagnetic interference (EMI) and eliminates the need for multiple detachments/reattachments of patient cables when the patient is moved from one room/procedure to another. The system includes: 1) multiple filterbanks (filtering procedures) for recording both diagnostic-quality (broad-band) signals in the absence of EMI and narrow-band signals in the presence of EMI, with subsequent reconstruction of diagnostic-quality signals from the narrow-band signals 2) filtering of EMI, using a priori and adaptive criteria about differences between the EMI and physiological signals characteristics 3) filtering of the magneto-hydrodynamic effect, using physiological measurements at different distances from the magnet (i.e., at different strengths of magnetic field) and changes in blood flow and blood pressure and 4) multiple wireless transmitters for increasing reliability and speed (throughput) of the wireless data transmission.