methods of modifying a trait or cell of a selected plant and expressing a functional gene to make a plant stably transformed with a desired polynucleotide, plant target cell identification, black spot reduction and sweetening cold-induced plants, traits, polynucleotides and sequences, vector, p-dna, tuber-specific promoter, and method of making transgenic plant cells.
Caius M. T. Rommens,Craig Richael,Hua Yan,J. Troy Weeks,Jaime Menendez-Humara,Jingsong Ye,Kathleen M. M. Swords,Leigh W. Brinkerhoff,CAIUS M T ROMMENS,CRAIG RICHAEL,HUA YAN,J TROY WEEKS,JAIME MENENDEZ-HUMARA,JINGSONG YE,K
methods of modifying a characteristic or cell of a selected plant and expressing one. functional gene, to make a plant stably transformed with a desired polynucleotide, identifying a plant target cell, black spot reduction and cold-induced sweetening, plants, characteristics, polynucleotides and sequences, vector , p-dna, tuber specific promoter and method of making plant transgenic cells The present invention relates to novel plant breeding processes. The process improves the agronomic performance of crop plants by the use of genetic material that is also used in classical breeding. Rather than sexually recombining entire genomes at random, as is done in classical procreation, specific elements are rearranged in vitro and inserted back into individual plant cells. Plants obtained through this new plant breeding process do not contain foreign nucleic acids, but species only contain nucleic acids from plants selected for transformation or plants that are sexually compatible with the selected plant species. Plants developed through this new plant breeding process are provided. in particular. potato plants are provided which exhibit improved storage and health characteristics.métodos de modificação de uma característica ou uma célula de um.a planta selecionada e da expressão de um. gene funcional, para fazer um.a planta transformada de modo estável com um polinucleotídeo pretendido, de identi:ficação de uma célula alvo de planta, de redução da mancha preta e do adocicamento induzido por frio, plantas, caracteristicas, polinucleotídeos e seqüências, vetor, p-dna, promotor específico de tubérculo e método de fazer células transgênicas de planta a presente invenção relaciona-se a novos processos de procriação de plantas. o processo melhora o desempenho agronômico de plantas de colheitas pelo uso de material genético que é também usado na procriação clássica. em vez de recombinar sexualmente genomas inteiros de modo aleatôrio, como é feito na procr1açao clássica, são rearr