The present application discloses a cordless charger for a wearable patient monitor. When a patient (10) is diagnosed with a heart condition, or suspected heart condition, they are prescribed a patient monitoring system. The system includes monitors (12) that the patient (10) wears to collect the data of interest. Each day, the patient swaps the monitor (12) he or she is wearing with a fully charged monitor (12) from a cordless charger (14). In this manner, a fresh monitor (12) is always available for monitoring the patient (10). The cordless charger (14) includes a battery (50) that powers the processes of the charger and recharges batteries (34) of the monitors (12). Data from the monitors can be either offloaded to the charger memory (70), or transmitted to a remote database (32) via the patient's Bluetooth enabled cellular phone (30) or other like device.