1. A conjugate of protein-active agent comprising a protein having an amino acid motif which can be recognized via isoprenoid transferase, wherein the active substance is covalently bound to the protein at amino acid motive.2. The conjugate protein active agent according to claim 1, wherein the protein comprises a modification selected from the group consisting essentially of: (i) a deletion at the carboxyl terminus of protein (ii) inserting an oligopeptide or polypeptide at the carboxyl terminus of the protein, and (iii). deletions at the carboxy terminus of the protein and polypeptide or oligopeptide insertion at the carboxy terminus of the protein, wherein the modification is attached to the amino acid motivu.3. Protein conjugate according to claim surfactant. 1, wherein the protein is an antibody or antigenic fragment polipeptida.4. Protein conjugate according to claim active substance. 3, wherein the protein is a monoclonal antitelo.5. Protein conjugate according to claim active substance. 4, wherein at least one light chain and / or at least one heavy chain of a monoclonal antibody comprising an amino acid region having the amino acid motiv.6. Protein conjugate according to claim surfactant. 1, wherein the isoprenoid-transferases FTase or represents GGTase.7. Protein conjugate according to claim surfactant. 1, wherein the active substance is a drug, toxin, ligand affinity, or the detection probe kombinatsiyu.8. Protein conjugate according to claim surfactant. 1, in which the amino acid is a CAAX motif, HHSS. HSKHS CXX or, where C is cysteine, A is an aliphatic amino acid, and X is an amino acid that determines the substrate specificity of isoprene1. Конъюгат белок-активное вещество, содержащий белок, имеющий аминокислотный мотив, который может распознаваться с помощью изопреноид-трансферазы, где активное вещество ковалентно связано с белком в аминокислотном мотиве.2. Конъюгат белок-активное вещество по п. 1, где белок содержит модификацию, выбранную из группы,