According to invention, which is applied for desinfection of toothbrushes or dental prostheses, device for disinfection toothbrushes consists of following elements (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), which can be different shapes and sizes adjusted according to the size of air filter element set in space of element (7), size of ozone generator set in space of element (8), size of toothbrush holders or dentures holders set in space of element (9), size of air heater set in space of element (10), size of catalytic ozone destructors set in space of element (11), size of vacuum pump or fan set in space of element (12), Figure 1- section (V-V). Non-return valves (1, 3, 4, 5) are used so that spaces of elements (8, 9, 10, 11), that perform specify process, to be sealed and to be opened automatically, when it involves a vacuum pump or fan according to software. Opening (2) between space of elements (8) and (9), during time provides time ozone disinfection unobstructed passage from space of element (8) into space of elements (9), where are toothbrush or denture. Electronics that regulates operation of machine is set with a vacuum pump or a fan in space of element (12), which is open to air outlet of ozone in the atmosphere, to arrow AIR OUTLET, shown in figure 1 longitudinal section (V-V). Whole assembly is tightening fasteners passing through holes (13), of which there are 4 symmetrically distributed, shown in cross-section A-A figure 1.Aparat za dezinfekciju četkica za zube, prema pronalasku, koji se primenjuje za dezinfekciju četkica za zube ili zubnih proteza, sastoji se od elemenata (7),(8),(9),(10),(11) i (12), koji mogu biti različitog oblika i veličine, usklađene prema veličini filtera vazduha postavljenog u prostoru elementa (7), veličini generatora ozona postavljenog u prostor elementa (8), veličini držača četkica za zube ili držača zubnih proteza postavljenog u prostor elementa (9), veličine grejača vazduha postavljenog u prostor elementa (10), veličine katalitičkog destrukto