It refers to a stable formula, including (a) a monoclonal antibody specifically binding to PCSK9, in which PCSK9 includes the amino acid of sec. Id.n.: 1, monoclonal antibody of 40mg / ml to 300mg / ml; (b) tampon with acceptable efficacy of 0.05mm-40mm selected from glutamic acid, phosphate, sodium citrate, etc.; c) surface of 0.01% P / v-20% P / V selected from polyurethane 80 and polyphenyl ester 20; (d) acceptable stabilizers for drugs selected from disasters, polyacrylic, acrylonitrile and other substances;The pH value of the stable formula is 4.0-6.0 by the quantity of 0.5% P / V and 10% P / v. The monoclonal antibody was selected from groups 21b12, 11f1, 31h4, 8a3 and 8A1. In addition, the antibody showed a variable light chain region including sec. Ibid., section 23. Ditto: 465, and a variable heavy chain area including sec. Ibid., Section 49. ID number 463, etc It also mentions the method of producing this formula, which is useful in the treatment of cholesterol related diseases.SE REFIERE A UNA FORMULACION ESTABLE QUE COMPRENDE: a) UN ANTICUERPO MONOCLONAL QUE SE UNE ESPECIFICAMENTE A PCSK9, EN DONDE PCSK9 COMPRENDE LOS AMINOACIDOS DE SEC. ID. N�:1, EL ANTICUERPO MONOCLONAL EN UNA CANTIDAD DE ENTRE 40 MG/ML Y 300MG/ML; b) UN TAMPON FARMACEUTICAMENTE ACEPTABLE EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,05 mM - 40 mM, QUE SE SELECCIONA DE GLUTAMATO, FOSFATO, CITRATO DE SODIO, ENTRE OTROS; c) UN SURFACTANTE EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,01%P/V-20%P/V, QUE SE SELECCIONA DE POLISORBATO 80, POLISOBATO 20; d) UN ESTABILIZADOR FARMACEUTICAMENTE ACEPTABLE QUE SE SELECCIONA DE UN DISACARIDO, POLIOL, PROLINA, ENTRE OTROS; EN CANTIDADES DE 0,5%P/V Y 10% P/V. EN DONDE LA FORMULACION ESTABLE TIENE UN PH DE 4,0- 6,0. DICHO ANTICUERPO MONOCLONAL SE SELECCIONA DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE EN 21B12, 11F1, 31H4, 8 A3 Y 8 A1, ADEMAS PRESENTA UNA REGION VARIABLE DE CADENA LIGERA QUE COMPRENDE SEC. ID N�: 23, SEC. ID N�: 465, ENTRE OTROS Y UNA REGION VARIABLE DE CADENA PESADA QUE COMPRENDE SEC. ID. N�: 49, SEC. ID