The invention relates to an intragastric balloon for the treatment of persons having severe or morbid obesity problems, which reduces the number of elements in known systems and makes possible a saving in material in its manufacture. The intragastric balloon assembly comprises a balloon connected to a catheter in order to inflate it, and includes a means for attaching it to the a patients body, comprising a flat supporting plate with a single orifice through which the inflation catheter is passed, which plate is fixed subcutaneously in the patients abdominal region and in a preferred embodiment, an additional supporting member is provided through which the inflation catheter is firmly supported on the supporting plate, and comprises a semi-rigid silicone washer or ring which is secured to the catheter and the supporting plate with appropriate adhesive holding the catheter in place with adequate tension for the balloon to lie against the stomach wall perfectly but without any pressure. In addition to this assembly comprises a multi-puncture valve to which the inflation catheter is connected to inflate the balloon, which may in turn be located on the supporting plate, those providing an alternate element for supporting the catheter and, therefore, the balloon assembly.