The described clean room apparatus comprises a mobile filter-ventilator having a housing separating a space adjacent to the floor area from the surroundings, either directly or indirectly, and having an air inlet area and an air outlet area, And a supply line connecting the air discharge area and the space delimited by the housing. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to an apparatus and a method for manufacturing a clean room which comprises a flexible, collapsible shell wall made entirely of at least one cleanroom-compatible material and directly facing the space and having at least one support element and / Characterized by a housing which is a tent-shaped shell wall device enclosing the space in a dome-shaped continuous manner comprising at least one hanging device; At least one cleanroom-compatible material is suitable to be directly confined to ISO classes 1 to 9 of a clean room in accordance with DIN ISO / FDIS 14644-1: 2015-08; The shell wall is spaced from the bottom region at least in a predetermined section for air-controlled drainage from the space region to the periphery, or at least one opening in the shell wall or indirectly or directly adjacent to the bottom region, Providing at least one shell wall section of higher permeability than the air permeability of the portion; And, the mobile filter-ventilator is designed to provide ultra-pure water from outside air according to the above standard, and the supply line is made as a hollow duct made of clean room-compatible material according to the above standard, The directed pure air flow is discharged into the space of the upper shell wall area in a controlled manner to establish escape from the space near the bottom area.기술된 클린룸 장치는, 직접 또는 간접적으로 바닥 영역에 인접하는 공간을 주변으로부터 분리하는 하우징을 구비하고, 공기 흡입 영역과 공기 배출 영역을 가지며 공간 외부 주변에 배치되는 모바일 필터-환기 장치를 구비하며, 그리고 공기 배출 영역과 하우징에 의해 경계가 정해진 공간을 연결하는 공급 라인을 구비한다. 본 발명은, 전적으로 적어도 하나의 클린룸-호환 재료로 제조되며 공간과 직접 직면하는 신축성의 접을 수 있는 쉘 벽을 포함하며, 바닥 영역 상에 놓이는 적어도 하