The objective is to obtain a Solid Biofuel which includes lignin from the manure of cattle,Goats and pigs which complies with ISO 17225 - 6 in both Energy and Environmental and production method thereof.The method is mainly based on the separation of pollutants from lignin.This is achieved by the following steps: manure treatment in washing Pond by means of Power System Towards a Pond washing Washing in the washing of the manure PondOr by means of rotational movements and Ultrasound and drag by water adding a continuous Flow of Clean Water inside the washing Pond separation of liquids and Solids pressing for andLiminacion of excess water from the solid Biofuel without Drying and finally Drying the same.Although there are similar processes with the aim of achieving a Biofuel from manure,The novelty is that is not combined with other products such as Sawdust or Straw nor is there any need to incorporate chemical processes and thermal processes or subjected to carbonization.This Biofuel can also, as can not be Compacted or pelleted for marketing.The manure has been used as a fuel source by mankind since ancient times.The accumulation of Manure and its burning, however, has a number of disadvantages and hazards to human health, including odor derived from decomposition, bad smell,Generation of corrosive and toxic gases when burned, along with the generation of substances that Stain and dirty facades and Interiors of buildings.El objetivo es la obtencion de un biocombustible solido que comprende lignina proveniente del estiercol de ganado bovino, caprino y porcino que cumple con la norma ISO 17225-6 tanto en materia energetica como ambiental y un metodo para su obtencion. El metodo se basa principalmente en la separacion de los contaminantes de la lignina. Esto se logra por los siguientes pasos: tratamiento del estiercol en estanque de lavado por medio de alimentacion del sistema hacia un estanque de lavado lavado del estiercol en el estanque de lavado por medio de movim