A method to predict progression of the Legg-Calve-Perthes disease based on determining the clinical and radiological indicators of the state of the hip joint, subjecting these indicators to gradations, establishing the corresponding number of points for each of the gradations. The biochemical blood value is additionally determined as a coefficient of ratio of alkaline phosphatase activity to acid phosphatase activity. Determination of all of the mentioned indicators is carried out several times, at least twice, in every 3-4 months. Each indicator is estimated from one to five points. When the total points in the first and second determination of the state of the joint and the biochemical blood value, which are within the ranges of 6 to 12 points, and also in cases when integral estimation at the second or following determinations is reduced to 12 points or less as compared to the first one, a complicated progression of the disease and an unsatisfactory development of the hip joint are stated. In the case when the total points are within the ranges of 13 to 24 the progression of the disease and the development of said joint is defined as satisfactory. In the case when the integral assessment of the state of the joint and the blood is 25 points and higher, the disease progression is defined as good.Способ прогнозирования течения болезни Легг-Кальве-Пертеса, основанный на определении клинических и рентгенологических показателей состояния тазобедренного сустава, градации данных показателей, установлении для каждой градации соответствующего количества баллов. Дополнительно определяют биохимический показатель крови в виде коэффициента отношения активности щелочной фосфатазы к активности кислой фосфатазы. Определение всех указанных показателей выполняют несколько раз, по крайней мере дважды, через каждые 3-4 месяца. Каждый показатель оценивается от одного до пяти баллов. При сумме баллов при первом и втором определении состояния сустава и биохимического показателя крови, н