The invention provides a gaseous skin oxygen supply and whitening product. The product comprises a solid oxygen source, an activating agent and a catalyst, wherein the solid oxygen source adopts one of peroxide and percarbonate. The invention further provides applications of the gaseous skin oxygen supply and whitening product. The whitening product is wrapped by a breathable container during application, wherein the breathable container is one of the gauze mask, the face guard, the facial mask, the bra, the breast patches, the milk spilling-preventing patches, the sanitary towel, the paper diaper, the sanitary pad, the disposable sanitary product, the band-aid, the binding gauze and the box-shaped container.本發明提供具有皮膚美白功能的供氧材料,所述具有皮膚美白功能的供氧材料包括固體氧源、活化劑、催化劑;所述固體氧源係選自於由過氧化物和過碳酸物所組成的群組;所述具有皮膚美白功能的供氧材料可以置於生活用品中,所述生活用品包含口罩、面罩、面膜、胸罩、胸貼、溢乳貼、衛生棉、紙尿褲、衛生護墊、一次性衛生用品、創可貼、包紮紗布、盒型容器。1‧‧‧內芯2‧‧‧內層4‧‧‧功能單元