The vision protection method and system thereof is provided to ensure a viewer to rest his/her eyes after viewing on an electronic device for a certain period, wherein the eyesight protection method includes the steps of detecting one of more working parameters of the viewer in responsive to a preset working threshold in a working mode of the electronic device during the viewer is working on a current work displaying by the electronic device; switching the working mode of the electronic device to a resting mode; and switching the electronic device from the resting mode back to the working mode to resume the display of the current work of the electronic device. Therefore, the viewer is enforced to rest his/her eyes after every certain period.提供一種視力保護方法以確保一觀看者在觀看一電子裝置一段時間後休息其眼部,其該視力保護方法包含偵測至少一種在該觀看者正藉由該電子裝置作一當下的顯示工作顯示時該觀看者之眼部活動及該電子裝置工作參數的步驟;當該觀看者之一異常眼部活動被偵測到時,切換該電子裝置之工作模式至一休息模式;及將該電子裝置由休息模式切換回該工作模式以恢復該電子裝置當前工作之顯示。因此,該觀看者被迫每隔一定時間休息其雙眼。一種視力保護方法包含透過一工作距離偵測器追蹤該電子裝置觀看者之至少一種眼部活動的步驟;基於瞳孔光反射與反應偵測可能眼部狀態;基於該電子裝置觀看者在該電子裝置之一工作模式時之所述眼部活動以判定眼部疲勞度;產生一用以回應所述眼部運動與可能眼部狀態之觀看者眼部結果。