LAI, JIAN MU,赖建穆,賴建穆,HSU, KAI CHUN,许凯淳,許凱淳,TSAO, CHE CHIH,曹哲之,曹哲之
The present invention provides a shrimp-peeling device and a shrimp-peeling method. The shrimp-peeling device comprises a clip portion, a hook portion, a shutter portion and a handle portion. The clip portion is used for holding one end of a shrimp and for means of peeling a shrimp and the hook portion is used for fixing the other end of the shrimp so that the shells covering the shrimp back and the sections on lateral sides of the shrimp body spread out the shutter portion is used for restricting the shrimp body position so that it does not move, and so as to be fixed from the abdominal surface of the shrimp preventing from moving the handle portion is used to help a user to hold the shrimp-peeling device. The shrimp peeling method comprising in order: a separating step, a fixing step, a peeling step. The separating step is to separate a curved shrimp body to allow the shells covering the shrimp back and the sections on lateral sides of the shrimp body spread out the fixing step is to fix from the abdominal surface of the separating shrimp preventing from moving after the shrimp was separated, and to maintain the condition that the shrimp was separated and the peeling step to peel shells covering sections of the shrimp to get the complete shrimp so as to achieve the purposes of peeling shrimps without smearing hands.本發明在提供一種剝蝦殼裝置及方法,該剝蝦殼裝置包含:一夾子部,一鉤子部,一擋板部及一手把部。該夾子部用於夾持固定一蝦子之一端和剝蝦殼的手段;該鉤子部用於固定該蝦子的另一端和使該蝦之覆蓋背部、身體兩側的各節背殼伸展開來;該擋板部用於限制該蝦身位置使其不動和以便於從該蝦腹部面予以固定不動;該手把部方便一使用者拿持該剝蝦殼裝置。該剝蝦殼方法,依序包含:撐開步驟、固定步驟及剝殼步驟。該撐開步驟是將一彎曲的蝦身撐開至該蝦之覆蓋背部及身體兩側的各節背殼伸展開來;該固定步驟是將該撐開後的蝦子,將該蝦於腹部面予以固定不動,並使該蝦子維持前述的伸展狀態;而該剝殼步驟是剝離該蝦子之各節蝦殼而獲得完整蝦肉,達成全程不沾手剝蝦殼的目的。10‧‧‧夾子部101‧‧‧夾片102‧‧‧夾口103‧‧‧夾爪104‧‧‧小擋板105‧‧‧按壓處20‧‧‧鉤子部201‧‧‧突出鉤狀物30‧‧‧擋板部40‧‧‧手把部