A multi-care bedding apparatus comprises features which allow changing bed occupant s lying positions seamlessly while maintaining its ability to allow a linen to be applied to or be removed from a mattress assembly without having a bed occupant vacate the apparatus. The multi-care bedding apparatus further comprises specialized means which allow bathing / washing bed occupant right on it with all waste liquids resulting from such bathing / washing activities being drained away via pipe. The mattress assembly comprises a plurality of mattress sections spaced apart forming a plurality of mattress gaps and further comprises a plurality of position mechanisms which may change the shape of the mattress assembly thus change lying positions of an occupant lying thereon. The upper frame assembly provides a movable matrix of supporting members which lie between and hidden in the mattress gaps when the mattress sections are in raised state to support the occupant. A collection tray is mounted below said mattress to collect waste liquids resulted from bathing / washing activities of an occupant lying on mattress sections. The upper frame assembly may support the occupant while the mattress assembly is lowered and then extended for linen changing. The movable matrix of supporting members keep lying between and hidden in mattress gaps during various changes of occupants lying positions effected by the positioning mechanism.Linvention concerne un appareil de literie multi-soins qui comprend des caractéristiques qui permettent de changer les positions allongées dun occupant de lit sans interruption tout en maintenant sa capacité à permettre à un linge de maison dêtre appliqué sur un ensemble matelas ou dêtre retiré de celui-ci sans quun occupant de lit ne quitte lappareil. Lappareil de literie multi-soins comprend en outre des moyens spécialisés qui permettent de baigner/laver un occupant de lit directement sur celui-ci, tous les liquides résiduels résultants de telles activités