It is superior in time-dependant sinkage stability, it is re-distribution possible easily by the fact that the plate-like pigment sinks and is difficult to cause hadokeiku, agitates, the water system nail enamel and the nail enamel internal application tool where it is superior in use Characteristic, on the pawl, the beautiful belt and it is possible, are superior in finished Characteristic to draw pattern simply, are offered. At least, it has with the liquid stores dept. and the application body, it is stored, in the aforementioned liquid stores dept. of the application tool where the liquid is carried to the aforementioned application body from the aforementioned liquid stores dept. by capillarity tube power, at least being the water and water soluble resin and the plate-like pigment and emulsion resin and the water cosmetics for nail art which contain with the moisturizer and the antimicrobe medicine, for nail art which features that furthermore it includes the crystal cellulose, at the time of viscosity measuring by the cone plate die viscosimeter with the temperature 25 viscosity condition below it is satisfied (A) waterCosmetics.(A) slipping speed (s) viscosity (mPa s) 3.83 30 - 150 19.15 10 - 50 38.30 10 - 40 76.60 10 - 40 383.00 5 - 20経時沈降安定性に優れ、平板状顔料が沈降してもハードケイクを生じ難く、攪拌することで容易に再分散可能であり、使用性に優れ、爪の上で、美麗な線及び模様を簡単に描くことができ、仕上がり性に優れた水系美爪料及び美爪料内蔵塗布具を提供する。少なくとも、液体貯蔵部と、塗布体とを備え、毛細管力によって前記液体貯蔵部から前記塗布体へと液体が輸送される塗布具の、前記液体貯蔵部に収容される、少なくとも水と、水溶性樹脂と、平板状顔料と、エマルジョン樹脂と、保湿剤と、防菌剤とを含有するネイルアート用水性化粧料であって、更に結晶セルロースを含み、温度25℃でのコーンプレート型粘度計による粘度測定において粘度が以下の条件(A)を満足することを特徴とするネイルアート用水性化粧料。(A)ずり速度(s-1) 粘度(mPa・s)3.83 30~15019.15 10~5038.30 10~4076.60 10~40383.00 5~20