1. Design of a capture frame capable of collective capture, such as wild boar, etc. 2. Existing boar catching frames are lattice type wire mesh catching frames that are pushed into one or both sides. Structural materials are made of iron and wire mesh. In order to overcome this, we want to improve this by inefficiently as well as waste of time, such as going through the process of opening the door in advance and feeding it in advance. 3. What is special about this design is the transparent window (7), which can be equipped with one or more doors as needed. The entrance door is made of transparent lexan (polyglass) material, not steel or wire mesh, so that the inside can be seen clearly, and it is designed to facilitate entry and exit from the animals for the purpose of catching and to relieve alertness. In addition, this transparent door was made to trap the effect of adding an L-angle to the transparent window (7) so that the warping or warping is minimized by the impact from a wild boar or a predator so that the effect of lightening the strength and weight of the door can be obtained. In addition, a tension rubber bar was attached to the inside of the trap at a height of 35 cm below the fence to make it an obstacle to alleviate the warping of wild boars. 4. It is to capture the mother wild boar and young children working in groups. You can actively lure wild boar by placing bait around the inside of the trap. There is no risk of injury, preventing other animals from entering and getting injured. It is a fence-type raw pot wrap for always catching wild boar. It is installed in a wild boar area near a village or in a wild boar road or a wild boar bath (water bath). This is a possible wild boar trap.1. 유해 야생동물 멧돼지 등 집단 포획이 가능한 포획틀에 관한 고안2. 기존에 멧돼지 포획틀은 격자형 철망 포획틀로 한쪽 또는 양쪽으로 밀고 들어가는 포획틀로 구조적 재질은 모두 철과 철망을 이용하여 이질감은 물론이고 무겁고 두툼해 막혀 있어 멧돼지로부터 경계가 심하다. 이를 극복하기 위해 사전에 문을 열어두고 먹이를 주어 미리 길들이기를 하는 과정을 거치는 등 시간낭비는 물론 비효율적 이어 이를 개선하고자함.3.본 고안에 특별한 점은 출입문인 투명창문(7)에 있으며, 필요