This Chong Zuo Department mono- Seed are set with the Sha Trucks Tone Zheng Installed of Yu Fishing Fish Volume Line devices, Let has one the oneth evil spirit Trucks Tone whole Group and one the 2nd whole Group of evil spirit Trucks Tone, the first whole Group Let of evil spirit Trucks Tone of The have a From to close convex Wheels and a spanner seat, The From, which close Tu Wheels Let, Yi Zhu Disk Body, Yi Tao Let, Yi Pressure Shrink Bomb springs are Ji Yi Stickers rivet holders, The spanner Zuo With The From, which close the convex Wheels Qie Let that lean, Two Tui Di Block, Yi Rong Let slots and a spanner, the whole Group phases Knot of whole the first evil spirit Trucks Tone of Group With The of the 2nd evil spirit Trucks Tone of The are closed and Let has a Knot to close seat, one screw connecting sheath is Ji Yi Tone Zheng Button, The Knot He Zuo Let have a through slot, The Luo He Tao Let what The through slots Inner, The Tone Zheng Button With The Knot, which close Qie Let Shang Zuo Xiang Knot conjunction Qie Tao Let what The screw connecting sheaths, Flooding Move pipes, Ti Gong mono- Seed are convenient to operation, Two Duan Shi Tone are whole and the Sha Trucks Tone Zheng Installed persons of setting of Real property height.本創作係一種用於釣魚捲線器之煞車調整裝置,設有一第一煞車調整組及一第二煞車調整組,該第一煞車調整組設有一離合凸輪及一扳手座,該離合凸輪設有一主盤體、一套設筒、一壓縮彈簧及一貼抵座,該扳手座與該離合凸輪相抵靠且設有兩推抵塊、一容設槽及一扳手,該第二煞車調整組與該第一煞車調整組相結合且設有一結合座、一螺合套及一調整鈕,該結合座設有一通槽,該螺合套設於該通槽內,該調整鈕與該結合座相結合且套設於該螺合套上且設有一驅動管,提供一種可方便操作、兩段式調整及實用性高之煞車調整裝置者。