A product for reinforcing the natural plant defense system includes a mixtureof one or several sihcon-rich substances, one or more plant immune system activatorsand substance (C) which increase activity. Activators are substances whichtransport the information about stress and provide the synthesis of non specificand/or specific stress-proteins, stress ferments and other stress-protectingsubstances to the plant cells. Using various forms of Si-rich substances willhelp plants to synthesize non-specific, specific substances and ferments whichprotect plans against stress. The substance (C) could serve for optimizationof plant growth or for reinforcing Si or the activator component and they can beadded to the new product also. The application of these ingredients can be conductedvia soil application (both broadcasting and incorporation) together with theirrigation water, by foliar applications or as dust application and intervalscant be longer than 6 months.