Device for biometric identification of maternity is dual fingerprint scanner that provides data of mother and baby fingerprints at the very moment of birth and in further process guarantees maternity of a new born baby by generating a unique ID reference and encrypting those data with the highest level of protection? Biometry is scientific discipline and technology that measures and analyzes biological characteristics of people. It is a part of advanced security systems widely used in todays modern society and protection systems. The highest in persistence in Biometry and the lowest possibility of interrupt data is fingerprint and minutiae, so that the aim of this work and Patent device is that kind of Biometry. Technical issue that is solved by this work and the shown device is scanning, processing, storing, saving and encrypting personal data with one main goal, to prove maternity of every new-born baby with 100% guarantee. By fingerprint scanning of both a mother and the babys fingerprints, simultaneously, at moment of birth, their IDs are generated and connecting? it with the scanned data the total care is provided at this process a potential fear is removed and the identities are guaranteed. By encrypting these data, the whole process is raised to the highest security and confidentiality levels among everyone in birth place worldwide. In each case, the fear that almost every mother has in this period is removed, as well as the question: "Is this my baby?" The answer is certain: "It is only yours!" Patent device - Device for biometric identification of parenthood - maternity has been inveted in order to solve a huge human issue and remove a shadow from possible past events in many countries stealing or mixing the identities of new born babies, as well as to prevent the kind of fear that all future mothers have, and make it easier and more relaxed for gynecologists, midwives and nurses that are a part of the blissful moment such as bringing a new life to this wor