The invention belongs to the agricultural production, namely to the production of agricultural (a\c) seed cultures. There are suggested versions of the way of seeding , including risk farming areas on black earth, gray, brown forest and chestnut soils, in which according to the invention of mechanized direct sowing of agricultural crops to the soil is carrying out in the period, when absolute humidity of soil is more than 2% higher than the upper limit of humidity of physical maturity of soil, by its temperatures above zero, moreover, at sowing the furrows for seeds laying are forming with the width no more than 12 cm from 0,5 to 15 cm. Besides that, at sowing the energetic device, which has the opportunity to move along the ground with absolute humidity of more than 2 percent and up to 100 percent higher than the upper limit of humidity of soil physical maturity with the velocity from 6 to 80 km/h, for example "BARS UTEV 271" or hovercraft device is using, and the direct sowing is holding immediately by th