Scanning endoscope, and guides the illumination light emitted from the light source unit, a light guide unit for irradiating the subject, in order to scan the light guide illumination light on the object, scanning the tip of the light guide portion an actuator for driving such a holding portion for holding the actuator, the light guide unit, interposed between the tubular member rigid with a space for enclosing the actuator and the holding portion, and the cylindrical member and the holding portion, and holding the holding portion to a predetermined position within the tubular member, having a connecting portion which deforms to the axis circumferential direction in the longitudinal direction of the light guide when the cylindrical member or the holding portion is subjected to force走査型内視鏡は、光源部から発する照明光を導光し、被写体に照射する導光部と、導光された照明光を被写体上で走査するために、導光部の先端を走査させるように駆動するアクチュエータと、アクチュエータを保持する保持部と、導光部、アクチュエータおよび保持部を内包する空間を有する硬質の筒状部材と、筒状部材と保持部との間に介在し、かつ筒状部材内の所定の位置に保持部を保持し、筒状部材または保持部が力を受けた際に導光部の長手方向を軸とした周方向に変形する接続部と、を有する。