A coating of blue-black or black oxidized zirconium of uniform and controlledthickness on a zirconium or zirconium alloy material is accomplished throughthe oxidative treatment of an amorphous zirconium or zirconium alloy substratehaving an altered surface roughness. An oxidized zirconium coating of uniformand controlled thickness is especially useful on orthopedic implants ofzirconium or zirconium-based alloys to provide low friction, highly wearresistant surfaces on artificial joints, such as, but not limited to, hipjoints, knee joints, shoulders, elbows, and spinal implants. The uniformlythick oxidized zirconium surface of controlled depth on prostheses provide abarrier against implant corrosion caused by ionization of the metalprostheses. The invention is also useful in non-articulating implant devicessuch as bone plates, bone screws, etc.