The present invention providesan implantable joint prosthesis configured toreplace a natural joint, and methods for implantation.The prosthesis may include a first componentimplantable in a first bone, having afirst bearing surface, and a second componentimplantable in a second bone, having a secondbearing surface which corresponds to the firstbearing surface. Each bearing surface may includea flattened section such that when thebearing surfaces are placed in cooperation withone another in a preferred orientation, the flattenedsections are aligned. Alternatively, thebearing surfaces may have and asymmetricconfiguration, with non-congruent surfaces thatmay enable correction of deformity. Severaltypes of implantable joint prostheses are disclosed,including: carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal,metatarsophalangeal, distal interphalangeal,proximal interphalangeal, ankle,knee, shoulder, and hip.