The present invention relates to release the far-infrared rays and radium, and treated by heating the body in a deep, to provide an economical thermal therapy device that can be used easily over and over again while staying at home. A natural hard zeolite the thickness of the Akita Prefecture Futatsui Nanaore mountain 10mm~20mm, is the length × width the 50mm~150mm tabular thermal therapy device that has been cut to use the diamond saw each in four directions. And performs treatment by applying to the skin near the affected part by heating the treatment instrument into about 70 ℃ in a microwave oven wrapped in towels. .BACKGROUND【課題】遠赤外線とラジウムを放出させ、身体内深部を昇温して治療し、家庭に居ながら手軽に何度でも繰り返し使える経済的な温熱治療具を提供する。【解決手段】秋田県二ツ井町七折山の天然硬質ゼオライトを厚さ10mm~20mm、縦×横を50mm~150mm四方にそれぞれダイヤソーを使い切断加工された平板状の温熱治療具である。この治療具をタオルに包み電子レンジで70℃程度に加熱して患部付近の表皮に当てて治療を行う。【選択図】図1