A holder for a block of feed is provided by a wire cage having criss-cross wires defining a back, a bottom, a side, a top, and an open front for the cage through which the wildlife can access the block of feed. The cage mounts the feed a desired distance above ground level on a stake placed in the ground and having a closed top end. The cage has a receptacle for the stake extending along and rearwardly from the wires forming the back of the receptacle. The stake receptacle extends along the entire length of the back and has a cross-section complementary to the cross-section of the stake so that a firm support for the receptacle and the block of feed contained therein is provided without the need for nailing the receptacle to the side of a tree or an existing structure, thus enabling the feed to be placed wherever desired to facilitate feeding of the animals or observing the animals while feeding especially for game harvesting applications.