A frozen ready-made polenta in the form of frozen granules orflakes with a greater dimension comprised between 1 and 60 mm andhaving an average weight of 6.0 g or less, substantially homogeneous insize, is described, said granules or flakes being able to be thawed and/orheated rapidly and uniformly to produce a polenta having the texture andorganoleptic characteristics of a freshly cooked polenta; also described is aprocess for the production of a frozen ready-made polenta in the form ofgranules or flakes, comprising the steps of: providing a traditional polentaat a temperature of about 40 °C or higher; dividing the polenta into aplurality of semifinished products in the form of granules or flakes;performing a first step of deep-freezing the semifinished products bysupplying them in dosed amounts into a bath of a liquid at a temperatureof -30°C or lower and keeping them in said bath for a predeterminedfirsttime interval, thus obtaining a plurality of partially deep-frozen granules orflakes of polenta, said partially deep-frozen granules or flakes having ahard and deep-frozen external surface and a soft not completelydeep-frozen core; subjecting for a predetermined second time interval theplurality of partially deep-frozen granules or flakes of polenta to a seconddeep-freezing step at a temperature comprised between -90°C and -30°C,preferably between -70°C and -50°C, thus obtaining a pluralityofdeep-frozen granules or flakes of polenta. Also described is a method for thepreparation of a soft polenta having optimum organoleptic propertiescomparable to those of a traditional polenta, wherein a portion ofready-made polenta in the form of deep-frozen granules or flakes according to theinvention is poured into a container and thawed and/or heated in amicrowave oven or is poured into a pot and thawed and/or heated on aheat source for a predetermined thawing and/or cooking time, preferablywithout stirri