Being time motion possible retention expedient in order to keep the medical instrument, with the basic end as a spindle, at the same time ahead the needle and protective expedient in order to surround the point of the needle-shaped component and the needle-shaped component which possess the return, and the point of the needle-shaped component it possesses the expedient in order to release from locking or surrounding in the surrounding with protective expedient in the point, the medical instrument detention device where those are connected to one body. The point of the said medical instrument detention device, and the needle-shaped component including the controller in order to control the operation of expedient in order to release from locking or surrounding in the surrounding with protective expedient with the radio signal, the set for medical instrument detention which becomes.医療器具を保持するための保持手段、基端部を支軸にして回動可能で且つ先端部に針先と返しを有する針状部材、針状部材の先端部を囲むための保護手段、および針状部材の先端部を保護手段による囲みに固定または囲みから解放するための手段を有し、それらが一体的に連結されている医療器具留置装置。 該医療器具留置装置、および針状部材の先端部を保護手段による囲みに固定または囲みから解放するための手段の動作を無線信号で制御するためのコントローラを含んでなる医療器具留置用セット。