Мягкова Наталья Викторовна (RU),Бельдягина Мария Михайловна (RU)
A method for selecting the type of treatment mesial occlusion, whereby the examined state of the dental system of the patient, the results of the study is quantified severity mesial occlusion and in accordance with the quantification of selected view of its treatment, wherein the quantitated each detected deviation from the norm in dentition system of a patient, characteristic mesial occlusion, the point system is used, the score value is determined to quantify the in head isimosti on the severity, significance and difficulties of correcting the identified deviations from the norm, and the norm is estimated at 0 points, the need for performing correction by orthodontic treatment is estimated at 1 point, the need to evaluate the performance of 2 points correct combination of orthodontic and surgical treatment, the presence of chelyustno- facial asymmetry estimated at 3 points, and examined anamnesis, facial features mesial occlusion, occlusion dentition analyzed ortopantomogrammu (XCTD) and a side telerentgenog Ranmas head (TRH), thus revealed as a result of the research history the presence of a hereditary component relatives is estimated at 1 point when the facial features study mesial occlusion evaluated in points: presence / absence of constraints on the position of the mandible or sagittali transverzali respectively. 1/0 points, the presence / absence of asymmetry of the mandible respectively 3/0 points, the type of person: the short - 1 point, medium - 0 points, long - 2 points nasolabial angle: norm - 0 points, magnified - 1 pointСпособ выбора вида лечения мезиальной окклюзии, в соответствии с которым исследуют состояние зубочелюстной системы пациента, по результатам исследования оценивают количественно степень тяжести мезиальной окклюзии и в соответствии с количественной оценкой выбирают вид ее лечения, отличающийся тем, что количественно оценивают каждое выявленное отклонение от нормы в зубочелюстной системе пациента, характерное для мезиальной окклюзии, при