Presented invention relates to a process temperature controlledprocessing of liquid and / or a plastic material, such as manufacturingice cream, ice cream pasteurization and the like, and the devicefor the procedure. This procedure covering entry weight, the container, mixing said mass in the container with a stirrer andat the same time inlet / outlet of heat with help of the generatorcold / heat, constantly sifting through the mass temperature with at least one thermometer, and continuously regulation of the cold/heat from the said generator.Predloženi izum se nanaša na postopek temperaturno nadzorovane obdelave tekočih in/ali gnetljivih snovi, kot na primer izdelave sladoleda, pasterizacije sladoledne mase in podobno in na napravo za izvedbo postopka. Omenjeni postopek obsega vnos mase, ki se jo obdeluje, v vsebnik, mešanje omenjene mase v vsebniku z mešalom ob sočasnem dovodu/odvodu toplote s pomočjo generatorja hladu/toplote, stalno odbiranje temperature mase s pomočjo vsaj enega dajalnika temperature, in zvezno regulacijo generatorja hladu/toplote s pomočjo omenjenega regulatorja.