Heartrate tracking is performed entirely optically without the subject being required to wear any monitoring equipment by processing a combination of signals representing frames of video of the sinusoidal motion of a subject’s facial skin color changes captured by both IR and visible light (e.g., RGB - red/green/blue) cameras. The IR and RGB graphs that result from the processing are perfectly phase-shifted so that when the IR signal is going down in amplitude, the RGB signal is going up. Such phase-shifting enables the optical heartrate tracking to utilize diverse input feeds so that a tracked signal is accepted as the user’s true heartrate when both IR and RGB signals are well correlated.藉由處理由IR及可見光(例如RGB--紅/綠/藍)攝影機兩者所捕捉之代表受試者之臉部皮膚顏色改變之正弦運動之視訊訊框訊號組合,完全光學地執行心率追蹤而不需受試者穿戴任何監測裝備。處理所造成的IR及RGB圖形係完美地經相位位移,以便當IR訊號在幅度上下降時,RGB訊號上升。這樣的相位位移使光學心率追蹤能夠利用互異的輸入饋入,以便當IR及RGB兩者訊號經良好地關聯時,所追蹤的訊號被接受為使用者的真實心率。362‧‧‧光學心率追蹤引擎405‧‧‧臉部校準及準備管道410‧‧‧訊號尋找管道415‧‧‧訊號抽取管道420‧‧‧心率識別管道