This creation provides a kind of Herba Saussureae Involueratae micrograined texture for inhibiting melanin to be formed, promoting collagen hyperplasia, the effect of including a core and an extract containing Herba Saussureae Involueratae theca externa, effect theca externa is coated on the outside of the core, can be made for beverage additive, food additives or skin care products additive and be used.本創作提供一種抑制黑色素形成、促進膠原蛋白增生之天山雪蓮微粒結構,包含一核心及一含天山雪蓮萃取物的功效外膜層,該功效外膜層包覆在所述核心外側,其可供作飲料添加劑、食品添加劑或是保養品添加劑使用。