One component includes: (a) 12% to 90% of the oligarchic cucumbers, such as cycle - (Argentina gly-asp-dpe-nmeval), cycle - (Argentina gly-asp-dpe-val), cycle - (Argentina gly-asp-asp), in particular (b) 0.01% to 60% of one or more fatty compounds and / or amphibious compounds, and optional (c) 0% to 89% of water, including the rest of fatty compounds and / or non liquid compounds. One or more fatty acid residues and / or one or more fatty alcohol residues. A pharmaceutical composer was also mentionedREFERIDA A UNA COMPOSICION QUE COMPRENDE: a) 12% A 90% DE UN OLIGOPEPTIDO TAL COMO CICLO-(Arg-Gly-Asp-DPhe-NMeVal), CICLO-(Arg-Gly-Asp-DPhe-vAL), Arg-Gly-Asp, ENTRE OTROS, b) 0,01% A 60% DE UNO O VARIOS COMPUESTOS LIPOFILICOS Y/O ANFIFILICOS, Y OPCIONALMENTE, c) 0% A 89% DE AGUA, DONDE LOS COMPUESTOS LIPOFILICOS Y/O ANFIFILICOS COMPRENDEN UN RESTO GLICEROL, UNO O VARIOS RESTOS DE ACIDOS GRASOS Y/O UNO O VARIOS RESTOS DE ALCOHOLES GRASOS. TAMBIEN ESTA REFERIDA A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA