Nosova Olga Olegovna (RU),Носова Ольга Олеговна (RU),Ross Andrej Vladimirovich (RU),Росс Андрей Владимирович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to aesthetic surgery. It involves hydropreparation of facial soft tissues, skin incision, skin-fat flap detachment, muscular-aponeurotic tissue system (SMAS) dissection, SMAS detachment, SMAS flap fixation, skin surplus removal, SMAS visualization. Hydropreparation of the facial soft tissues is performed by means of a pressure pump in an amount of up to 400 ml per side. Skin incision is limited to 2 cm in the temple and occiput, along the auricle and along the tragus inner surface. Skin-fat flap is detached at distance of 3–4 cm from the incision line of the skin; the SMAS is incised 4–5 cm vertically in the anterior zone. Moisture detachment is performed in space of bilge area, in space of free cheek and in space of predigested area, fixation of tissues – SMAS flap is performed by nonabsorbable material Etibond 3-0. Excess skin is removed without disturbing the hair growth line in the temporal and occipital region. Visualization of the SMAS is performed only in the skin separation zone – 3–4 cm from the skin incision line, besides, the bilge block is raised and fixed to the orbit edge, method involves suturing and lifting the area of the fatty body of the cheek to an anterior fascia, and lifting, movement and fixation of the premasseter space to the retroauricular fascia.EFFECT: method enables restoring all operated face areas depending on the degree of age-related changes, reducing the recovery period.1 cl, 4 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к эстетической хирургии. Выполняют гидропрепаровку мягких тканей лица, разрез кожи, отслойку кожно-жирового лоскута, рассечение мышечно-апоневротической системы тканей (СМАС), отслойку СМАС, фиксацию лоскута СМАС, удаление избытков кожи, визуализацию СМАС. При этом гидропрепаровку мягких тканей лица выполняют посредством нагнетательной помпы в объеме до 400 мл на сторону. Разрез кожи осуществляют, ограничивая его 2 см в области виска и затылка, вдол