A kind of pet is outer, including the whole body portion, one cap portion and two cover plates, on the body of the system of body portion for one pet of coating what, periphery is equipped with plural band and is located on the body of the pet for beam, the system of cap portion is incorporated in the side in the body portion for the head for covering the pet, the cap portion what corresponds to the plural number open-work that inside and outside side is respectively equipped at two ears of the pet, two cover plate, which fastens lateral margin and is incorporated in the cap portion, to be corresponded at the top of the plural number open-work for preventing rainwater from dropping in the plural number open-work, and it and it is formed with a gap between the cap portion is sealed to avoid the plural number open-work by two cover plate Understanding when pet can be enable to wear by above structure system hears sound in external environment to avoid danger.一種寵物外著,包括一身部、一帽部及兩蓋片,該身部係可供披覆於一寵物的身體上,周邊設有複數束帶可供束設在該寵物的身體上,該帽部係結合在該身部的一側可供罩住該寵物的頭部,該帽部於對應該寵物之兩耳朵處分別設有貫通內外側面之複數透孔,該兩蓋片係上側緣結合在該帽部對應該複數透孔的上方處可供防止雨水滴落至該複數透孔中,而且並與該帽部之間形成有一間隙以避免該複數透孔被該兩蓋片封住;藉由上述結構係可使寵物穿著時能清楚聽到外部環境中的聲音以避免發生危險者。10‧‧‧身部12‧‧‧胸部束帶120‧‧‧結合件13‧‧‧腹部束帶20‧‧‧帽部21‧‧‧透孔22‧‧‧頸部束帶220‧‧‧結合件23‧‧‧帽舌30‧‧‧蓋片40‧‧‧寵物