1. A tube to carry the humidified gases comprising: a conduit extending between a first end and a second end coiled wire disposed in the pipe and comprising two connected end and a loop portion, wherein the coiled wire is formed from a conductive core, an isolated thermosetting material first connector It disposed at the first end and the nozzle comprising an electrical connector coupled to the joined ends of the helical wires and a second connector disposed at a second end fitting and comprising a coupling mechanism, formed with it in one piece and connected with the loop portion of a spiral wire, wherein the coil pitch of the helical wire is a function of the length between the first end and the second kontsom.2. The tube of claim 1, wherein the conductive core defines the shape of the helical provoda.3. The tube of claim 1, wherein the conductive core is a stranded provod.4. The tube of claim 1, wherein the conductive core is a single solid provod.5. The tube of claim 1, wherein the thermosetting material is silikon.6. The tube of claim 1, wherein the nozzle is configured gofrirovannym.7. The tube of claim 1, wherein the first connector comprises a first branch connected to a nozzle, second branch accommodating electrical connector, and a third branch, oriented transversely to the first and second branch for transferring gazov.8. The tube of claim 1, wherein the mating ends comprise a portion without the thermosetting material and disposed in an electric razeme.9. The tube of claim 1, wherein the second connector comprises a port in1. Трубка для переноса увлажненных газов, содержащая:патрубок, проходящий между первым концом и вторым концомспиральный провод, расположенный в патрубке и содержащий два соединяемых конца и петлевой участок, при этом спиральный провод образован из проводящего сердечника, изолированного термоотверждающимся материаломпервый соединитель, расположенный на первом конце патрубка и содержащий электрический разъем, соединенный с соединяемыми к