A decontaminating system (100) comprising a decontaminant reservoir (152), atransport fluid source (160) and amist generating apparatus (10). The mist generating apparatus (10) has alongitudinal axis and comprises a first fluid passage (38)having a first fluid inlet (18) in fluid communication with the decontaminantreservoir (152) and a first fluid outlet (84), and a secondfluid passage (90) having a second fluid inlet (20) in fluid communicationwith the transport fluid source (160) and a second fluidoutlet (94). The first passage (38) surrounds the second fluid passage (90)and the first and second outlets (84, 94) are oriented relativeto one another such that they have an angle of incidence between (5) and (30)degrees. The second fluid passage (90) includesa throatportion (92) located between the second fluid inlet (20) and the second fluidoutlet (94), the throat portion (92) having a smaller crosssectional area than that of either the second fluid inlet (20) or second fluidoutlet (94).