The present invention provides a improved surgical device for excision of a fistula-in-ano from its external opening to its internal opening in rectum, comprising a circular button having a diameter greater than diameter of fistula and also having a small hole for fixation of a one end of the wire a flexible wire having internal and external end, said internal end being fixed with said button like metallic plate in rectum subsequently said wire being pulled from external opening so that said button fixes said internal opening of said fistula on the rectum a circular cutting tool having first end and second end wherein a sharp edge at first end, said cutting tool being inserted towards external opening of fistula tract through external end of said wire whereas sharp edge being directed towards fistula said cutting tool having an external surface, said surface being rough so as to achieve easy rotating movements of the blade a holding assembly means to fix said flexible wire towards external opening of the fistula so that while cutting the fistula tract said wire provides the support to said tract for its separation from surrounding tissues. Figure 2