The company 1-SHOT has designed the following invention to be a biodegradable multi-purpose product used in the outdoor industry for attracting animals.“The Scent Mine is a two piece assembly made from organic material that will decompose over time and return to the soil. There is a top component that has the appearance of a land mine with a flat top that has a hole in the center for air flow. The sides arc angled and approximately 1 inch in length. At the bottom on the inside edge there is a step designed to hold the bottom component. The second component is a flat round disc that is pressed into the bottom of the shell and rests on the inside step. The diameter differences between the two components create a friction fit that holds the assembly together. When used as an animal attractant a small amount of native soil is placed between the two components to assist in creating a natural smell. Once the soil is in place the two components can be pressed together to form the complete assembly. The user then places the unit in an area where their animal of interest is found. If the “The Scent Mine” purchased is pre-scented then the user can just set it on the ground and wait for the animal to arrive. If the unit purchased is un-scented then the user can add any odor, scent or attractant to “The Scent Mine” because the material will absorb it and start dispersing the odor through the top hole and semi-permeable material.